MGT EMS Gua Shaの利点は何ですか?
EMS Gua Sha feature helps EMS (Electrical Mechanism Stimulation) move circulation towards the skin which in turn can help improve the complexion of the skin. When circulation is enhanced, it helps bring in those nutrients and oxygen needed for a healthier appearance.
The muscles on the face can be LIFTED and DEFINED in a more natural non-invasive way using the EMS Gua Sha tool. With consistent usage EMSグアシャ肌を引き締め、たるみや小じわの兆候を減らすのに役立つかもしれません。
There are potential relaxation effects of EMS Gua Sha when used with other treatments. Soreness can be cleared up through the super gentle scraping motion and also through easing the tension in facial muscles.
MGT EMS Gua Sha tends to improve product penetration of serums and creams. The application of a stimulation in addition to pressure works synergistically to force the various products deeper into the skin, enhancing their efficacy.
Therefore, EMC Gua Sha is a device which can be used by full spectrum of individuals with different skin types as well as for many surfaces of the face and body. The Winding Of EMS Gua Sha makes it a pleasant course of any routine skin care procedure.
EMS Gua Shaは、あなたが求めているものが古いものと新しいものを同時に使用する若々しい肌色である場合、あなたを強力な場所に置きます。製品の循環、リラクゼーション、吸収の増加は、MGT EMS Gua Shaが注目し、全体的なスキンケアプロセスで改善する要因の一部です。